Apparently the chaos of home hasn't been quite hectic enough.
Let's throw a road trip into the mix!!! Yeee Haw!
Yup, I've gone and done it now...
I booked tickets for the kids and I to go to New Hampshire in December for five days... FIVE...... and NO, that's not a typo... the kids and I..... nope, no spouse.
Holy crap... (actually, i accidentally typed 'holly' crap - which is kinda funny, but i digress)
Two fun filled days of travelling with two children who subscribe to the belief of 'perpetual motion' -
Along with 3 fun filled days in an 800 square foot house that is sure to be missing the 'necessary' child friendly babysitting options (i.e. video games, movies, television, computer, etc.)
And... BONUS... it's New Hampshire... so it's freakin' COLD!
again... *sigh*
This is how my children were dressed the last time we went up North...... in AUGUST - they were freezing then.. how are they going to be in DECEMBER?
And this is them just after we landed and got into the rental car on our last trip to New England.
They look so cute, don't they?
Looks can be deceiving.
Allison had just thrown up because she ate too much crap that we threw at her to keep her quiet on the plane. Danny had just gotten through with his dry heaves because his sister had just finished throwing up in the rental car and his stomach strength leaves a little to be desired.
Watch out Mom and Dad - you're in for five days of fun!